Friday, January 23, 2009

A billion here, a billion there. Starts to add up to some real money.

Check out our analysis of the Federal Economic Stimulus proposal currently in the U.S. House of Representatives. In addition to tax credits and income assistance, it could mean $2.133 billion for Colorado. That's right BILLION. With a B.

Here's the quick and dirty breakdown based on current projections.

Total Stimulus Investment in Colorado:
$2.133 billion over two years, plus one-time infusions of money through tax credits and income assistance

$855.6 million over two years (nine quarters)

$1.5 billion over two years, including

  • $1 billion block grants

  • $128.9 million for Title I

  • $181.4 million for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • $136.4 million for school modernization and construction

  • $100.7 million for higher education

Food Stamps:
$181 million assistance over four years, and $2.7 million for administration

$15.6 million over two years

Tax Credits and Income Assistance:

These measures include expanding the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, expanding the Child Care Tax Credit, establishing the Making Work Pay Tax Credit (which would benefit an estimated 1.7 million Coloradans and pump $850 million into the economy), creating a one-time benefit increase for the Supplemental Security Income program, and increasing Unemployment Insurance benefits by $25 per week.

Here is the complete fact sheet on the House stimulus plan.

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