Thursday, July 1, 2010

Colorado Springs mayor seeks a TABOR timeout

Good morning. Here's a look at news reports from around the state on issues of interest to the Colorado Center on Law and Policy for Thursday, July 1, 2010. Listing does not imply endorsement of the content.

Colorado Springs Gazette: Mayor wants vote on a TABOR timeout
Colorado Springs Mayor Lionel Rivera called Wednesday for a three-year timeout from the part of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights that limits how much tax money the city of Colorado Springs can spend as the economy recovers.
Also: Colorado Springs Business Journal: Mayor: Suspend city TABOR, reform PERA

Denver Daily News: Seeking FMAP extension
Ritter: Without Medicaid reimbursement extension, state looking at additional $211 million shortfall.
Also: Colorado Independent: Ritter joins governors urging Congress to extend health spending

Colorado Independent: Unemployed Coloradans losing benefits fast, face foreclosures, jail time
Coloradans are suffering directly because lawmakers in Washington can not find a way to work together to pass vital federal unemployment insurance benefits extensions.

Denver Business Journal: CU’s Wobbekind cuts 2010 Colorado jobs forecast
University of Colorado at Boulder economist Richard Wobbekind has slashed his 2010 employment forecast amid sluggish Colorado job creation and continued job losses in manufacturing, construction and the information sectors.

Fort Collins Coloradoan: Markey votes for overhaul on fiscal regulation
Rep. Betsy Markey, D-Fort Collins, voted with the Democratic majority Wed-nesday as the House approved a sweeping overhaul of financial regulations.

Glenwood Springs Post-Independent: Garfield County survey: Voters support RFTA, trails and land conservation
A recent survey of Garfield County voters showed majority support for a “trails and land conservation” program, but a reluctance to go along with a tax increase to pay for it, at least right now.

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