Last month the House of Representatives voted 232-190 to eliminate the Census Bureau’s
American Community Survey (ACS). Since its full implementation in 2005, the ACS
has become the most comprehensive set of national statistics on demographic,
social, economic, and housing characteristics. The House vote demonstrates how irrational the drive to cut government has become. Cutting
the ACS would hardly make a dent in our trillion dollar debt, yet would undermine our country’s information infrastructure and thereby inhibit both
good decisions and economic growth.
The Census Bureau designed the annual ACS to replace the
decennial census’ long form survey, making the much simpler short form survey
what everyone across the country fills out every ten years. Moving more
comprehensive questions to an annual, randomized survey like the ACS allows
for more timely socioeconomic data, while making the decennial headcount more
cost efficient. The opportunity costs of cutting this reliable data collection program are as wide ranging as those who rely on its
The survey provides policymakers, businesses,
nongovernmental organizations, journalists, students and the public with
accurate, timely information at every level of geography. Government agencies at
all levels use information from the ACS to evaluate need for public programs as
well as to gauge their performance. Journalists use the ACS to report on
important social, demographic, or economic trends. Businesses rely on the data
to assess potential markets, where to develop new locations, how to invest their
capital, or where to find appropriate workers. School boards use the survey’s
social and demographic trends to help plan for a changing student population.
Lawmakers need it to learn about the districts they represent. Indeed, ACS
statistics are public goods that not only facilitate well-informed decisions,
but also allow the general public to inform themselves about their community
and make decisions on local programs and services.
In fact, all communities directly
benefit from the government’s use of the data. According to a study
by the Brookings Institute, in 2008, ACS-related data
sets helped guide the distribution of $416 billion through 184 federal domestic
assistance programs. A bulk of that federal assistance goes to state
governments through grant programs to aid low-income households and support
highway infrastructure. In Colorado, ACS-guided assistance accounted for 1.6
percent of state GDP in 2008. The ACS even surveys Colorado's least populated areas, from Ouray to Kiowa County, ensuring that all communities are included in the data collected.
Luckily, it is unlikely the bill will make it through the US Senate.
Attempting to dismantle one of the most comprehensive and accurate statistics tools available to us threatens the very
efficiency our nation strives to achieve. To cut the ACS as a way to balance the budget is shortsighted and misguided.
If we can’t measure our society, we are unable to change, understand, or manage it.
See how COFPI has used ACS data in our annual report, State
of Working Colorado.
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