Last week the House Agriculture Committee approved a Farm Bill that
included $16.5 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP or food stamps) – a choice that could force as many as 3 million more
Americans deeper into poverty and threaten the economic recovery. The cut,
nearly four times larger than the cuts found in the Senate version of the bill,
specifically targets SNAP benefits for working poor families with children and
The House Agriculture Committee bill cut all agricultural
programs by $35 billion over the next decade, but the bulk of the cuts come
from SNAP, a full $11.5 billion from eliminating a provision in SNAP known as
categorical eligibility. Cat-el is an “administrative short-cut” that allows
states to coordinate income and asset tests for SNAP with other programs that
help low-income families. Cat-el doesn’t allow families to automatically enroll
in SNAP – they still have to go through the rigorous verification and
application process – but it does mean that what counts for income and assets
in Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the state’s welfare program, counts
as income and assets in SNAP. In Colorado, for instance, before the state
adopted cat-el, a family would have been denied SNAP if they had some
non-exempt asset worth more than $2,000, but they would not have been denied
help through TANF. By adopting cat-el, Colorado aligned program rules, reduced
administrative costs and allowed newly poor families or families with modest
assets to receive vital nutrition assistance.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that eliminating
cat-el will deny food assistance to 1.8 million low-income children, seniors
and people with disabilities nationwide. The Office of Management and Budget
puts the number at closer to 3
million nationally and 34,500 in Colorado.
So what does eliminating cat-el really mean for Colorado?
Never mind that SNAP
helps 22 million American children eat nutritious food every day, which helps
their brains and bodies grow, which in turn helps them learn, earn and achieve
over a lifetime. Never mind that SNAP
kept more than 5 million people out of poverty in 2010 and protected more
than 1.3 million children from the long-lasting and devastating effects of deep
poverty. Never mind that SNAP has been
found to be one of the government’s most efficient programs, one that responds quickly and effectively in
recessions and disasters, like Colorado’s recent wildfires for instance.
Let’s set all that social benefit aside and talk dollars and
cents. Last year, SNAP provided about $140 per person per month
in Colorado. All total, SNAP families spent $762.8 million federal
dollars at Colorado grocery stores, farmers markets, convenience stores,
wholesalers and other retail outlets on food alone – SNAP cannot be used to
purchase nonfood items like diapers, toothpaste, cigarettes or alcohol. Moody’s
Analytics estimates that every $1
in SNAP spending generates $1.73 in economic activity. That means SNAP
benefits produced nearly $1.3 billion in economic activity in every corner of
our state last year. Now consider that every $1 billion in SNAP demand
translates to between 8,900
to 17,900 jobs. That’s a lot of Colorado farmers, truckers, grocery clerks,
stockers and others along the private food supply chain who benefit from SNAP.
So when those 34,500 low-income adults and children lose
SNAP, Colorado loses roughly $58 million per year spent on food in every corner
of Colorado and a total of $100 million in economic activity. In other words,
when those 34,500 hungry people lose SNAP, we all lose.
Kathy White
303-573-5669 ext. 303
1 comment:
How sad that those people who could get some type of benefit, even if not another, may now get nothing. I understand that the system could be more coordinated, but this does not work out to poor people's beneefits.
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